May is mental health awareness month, which means trying to helps individuals recognize the symptoms of depression, anxiety, mood disorders, OCD, ADD, and much more. This is exactly why it’s fitting to discuss veterans and PTSD, which stands for post traumatic stress disorder.
Now, vets can suffer from this disorder because of their traumatic, war zone encounters. They can experience symptoms such as…
- Aggressive behavior
- Substance abuse
- Depression
- Insomnia
- Nightmares/Night terrors
These are just some of many symptoms that vets can unfortunately experience. They need to be able to heal and recover. That’s why it’s important to know what resources are available.
They can include…
- National Center for PTSD
- Wounded Warrior Project
- Local Community Centers for Vets
- SAMHSA’s National Helpline
- PTSD Alliance
- National Institute of Mental Health
So, as you can see, there are places for war heroes to receive help from combat stressors. There’s no need to hesitate when asking for assistance!
Now on another note, be sure to save some time in your schedule, so you can attend our Senior Trade Shows Expos! There you’ll see our theme for all our 2024 expos is Fun Fiesta! Check out our flyer below to save the upcoming date on your calendar! Just click for more information, on registering to attend. In the meantime, we would appreciate you liking us on Facebook.
This travel vlog is like a virtual vacation! Your storytelling skills and cinematography make me feel like I’m right there with you. Keep exploring and sharing.