Heart Health Tips to Energize Your Day

Taking care of your heart health becomes even more essential as we age. A strong heart keeps you active, independent, and feeling your best. Here are some tips designed with seniors in mind to help maintain a healthy heart and enjoy life to the fullest. Stay Active Gentle, regular physical activity is key to heart […]

The Importance of Staying Hydrated in the Winter

Staying hydrated is essential for good health year-round, but many people forget the importance of drinking water during the colder months. During winter, seniors are especially at risk for dehydration due to a combination of factors, such as lower temperatures, indoor heating, and less obvious thirst signals. Staying properly hydrated in winter can help maintain […]

Pneumonia and Senior Citizens

Managing pneumonia and lung cancer can be more challenging for seniors due to age-related factors like weakened immune systems or pre-existing conditions. However, there are practical steps seniors can take to reduce the risk of complications and manage these illnesses effectively. For pneumonia, prevention is key. Vaccinations, such as the pneumococcal vaccine and the annual […]

Nutrition for High Blood Pressure and Cholesterol

As we age, maintaining heart health becomes a vital part of life. High blood pressure and cholesterol are common concerns for seniors, but making the right dietary choices can help keep these in check, and control of our health. Follow these six simple, effective nutrition tips to support your heart health: 1. Focus on Fresh […]

Senior Summer Safety and Fun Activities

If you’re feeling the heat, then you know it’s summer time. This can be very difficult for seniors. However, there are still ways to have summer safety and fun, which is the best combination! First, let’s start with a quick recap of our past summer blog posts. Click each individual bullet point to see what […]

Aiding in Memory

Individuals with dementia may find it hard to remember details of a recent conversation and event. This can occur due to the damage that their brain is facing resulting in information not being fully stored, if at all. Basically, this means that they cannot recall because they do not have that particular memory like you […]

Staying Healthy During Sneezing Season

Sneezing season is upon us and that means seniors have to watch out for Covid and the Flu. Yes, sneezing can be just a cold, but seniors don’t want it to get worse. Now, there are a number of ways to stay healthy until spring arrives such as… Salt-water rinsing helps break up nasal congestion, […]

Avoiding Falling

Avoiding falling may seem nerve-wracking, but with the right plan for your health, it can be doable. (We have a few other blog posts on fall safety as well, just click here, here, and here to read.) There are many avenues to consider such as exercise, medications, footwear, sleep, and much more… Here’s an overview […]

Emotional Support

Emotional support can come from family, friends and support groups, but do not forget about animals, especially dogs. There are specific breeds that are fantastic for seniors to adopt such as Bichon Frise, Miniature Schnauzers, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Corgis, and Greyhounds. First, the Bichon Frise is a small dog, averaging 7 to 12 pounds. […]

Summer Reminders

We’re still dealing with this intense heat, so why not have summer reminders. It’s the perfect time to review practices of safety and activities for seniors. Avoiding Dehydration: It’s important to stay hydrated, especially while outside. Most people don’t drink enough water in general. Try to drink at least eight glasses a day, particularly if […]