Weekend Activities with Family

Let’s discuss a calm, happy, and leisurely topic such as weekend plans with your family. Including grandparents can make a family outing (or an at home activity) all the better! There are so many things that seniors can still do for enjoyment with their children and grandchildren. Here are a few suggestions to try… ~Family […]

National Stroke Awareness

Stroke awareness is essential for everyone, especially seniors. There are ways to focus on prevention care. There are five categories you can improve upon to go down the road of a healthy lifestyle. Options to advance upon include… Healthy diet: Eating high fiber and low sodium foods such as berries, melons, green leafy vegetables, brown […]

Cross Country Travel

It can be a wonderful feeling to leave the typical working structure of 9 to 5, and spend more time traveling with friends and family. With the proper planning, you can save money by taking advantage of senior discounts and credit card rewards. So, if you are considering cross country travel, then you’re not alone […]

Felines for Seniors Make Fantastic Friends

We’ve already talked about how canines are superb companions for seniors, especially those that are extroverts. However, let’s not discount felines for seniors. They can be a senior’s best friend, especially if you’re an indoor type of person. Cats can be very calming and can bring great joy and laughter to seniors. Cats provide a host […]

Recreational Living

Recreational activities for senior living can be very healthy for the mind and morale. Making people feel youthful and full of energy! There are many activities that a recreational director or family members can create to help with the entertainment piece. Now, you can try the following… Crafts: Crafting can be simplistic or complex. Make […]

Springtime gardening

Springtime Gardening Then Cooking

Springtime gardening can be really fun, but a challenge at the same time, especially when you have arthritis and flexibility to consider. However, there are many ways to make this experience much more comfortable. Let’s discuss the different options you could purchase… Handled Tools: Garden tools often come in two forms, hand-held or long-handled. The […]