Making Medication Simple for Senior’s

We’ve been out of the loop for a while now, but we’re ready to educate you once again! Let’s start by discussing medication safety for seniors. Now, there are a few quite a few at home ways to have the best management, and tose tips include… Make sure medication is properly stored: In general, medication should […]

Valentine’s Day Romance for Seniors

Valentines romance for seniors can be fun filled and make a fashion statement. This can be a time to get dressed up and have a nice confidence boost! Now, here are a few activity suggestions you could implement… Tea Party: A healthy way to throw a memorable Valentine’s day party is by having a vintage-themed tea […]

February is Heart Awareness

February is all about heart awareness month. It’s especially important to keep this in mind for seniors. Cardiovascular health can be risky when not tended to properly. As seniors age, there are certain risk factors that can set off red flags like elevated blood pressure. It might be beneficial to have an at home machine, […]

Healthy Resolutions for Seniors

As we enter 2022, it’s definitely the time of year to institute your resolutions or intentions. Here are some ideas, if you want to implement them for yourself… 1) Eat more nutrient-dense foods: You need fewer calories with aging, but just as many nutrients. Eat more nutrient rich fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, […]

Benefits of Art Therapy

Many individuals think that art such as painting and drawing are only hobbies. However, art therapy can be quite valuable for improving senior’s overall health. Art therapists will guide seniors using different art forms. This can actually address health imbalance by using expression and motion, thus restoring functions. Improved Cognitive Function: Art challenges seniors and […]

Music Therapy for Seniors

Music therapy for seniors is very beneficial. It can aid in cognitive function, stress reduction, exercise routine, and social outings. Let’s review all the positive attributes… Improve Cognitive Skills Music therapy can help seniors improve recalling memories. Music has been shown to elicit a positive reaction when you hear music that reminds you of your […]

Osteoporosis in Seniors

Osteoporosis in seniors is very common, but it needs to be treated. It’s found more in women, but that doesn’t mean that men can’t be diagnosed with it as well. Osteoporosis is when your bones become thin, lose density, and become increasingly fragile. It is a process that develops gradually over many years, and it […]

Your Senior Loved Ones and Autumn Safety

Autumn has approached steadfast, and while it’s breathtakingly beautiful you do need to think about seniors. Autumn safety is important because it can affect seniors inside and outside their homes. Now, there are many ways to institute autumn safety… Rake the Leaves   Crimson autumn leaves are a true sight, but despite their beauty, fallen […]

National Cholesterol Awareness

Senior citizens can have elevated levels of cholesterol due to genetics, smoking, lack of exercise, and a poor diet. However, change can be made to reduce their levels. Simply try making the following changes to see the best results: Quit smoking: Higher cholesterol is one of the many negative effects of smoking. Nobody is ever […]

Depression as a Senior

When an older individual has untreated depression, they might lose interest in activities that they previously held interest in, retreat from social interaction, and physical activities. Thus, eventually leading to loss of function. While depression and sadness might seem to go hand and hand, some depressed seniors claim not to feel sad. Instead, they complain […]