Health Senior Citizens

Your Senior Loved Ones and Autumn Safety

Autumn has approached steadfast, and while it’s breathtakingly beautiful you do need to think about seniors. Autumn safety is important because it can affect seniors inside and outside their homes.

Now, there are many ways to institute autumn safety…

Rake the Leaves  

Crimson autumn leaves are a true sight, but despite their beauty, fallen leaves are hazardous for seniors. Prevent accidental falls by raking up leaves on the driveway and yard. Give the roads, sidewalks and walkways ample attention as well. If the senior’s home has exterior stairs, strongly consider installing handrails on both sides.

Add Artificial Light

With the days growing darker in the autumn months, seniors will rely more on artificial light inside their homes. Anticipate the need for extra lightbulbs and batteries. Consider installing smart lights because these lights turn on automatically upon sensing motion. Plug in nightlights in the hallways to the bathroom to assist during emergency or nighttime trips. Keep in mind that inadequate lighting is a major contributor to falls.

Adjust Thermostat

Fall is also a good time to adjust the thermostat. Even better, consider installing a smart thermostat in a senior’s home. Some are designed specifically for seniors and include large icons for increased visibility, ease of use, and improved control for those with limited motor skills.

Now, if you have extra fall safety suggestions for us, we’d love to hear from you! However, if you happen to need some ideas to get started, then please feel free to join our senior community to connect and communicate with others. That way, you’ll feel safe and enjoy the most colorful season. In the meantime, please like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram.