
The Best Companion

Who can make the best companion in your older years? Well, having a pet can make all the difference in the world for seniors. Consider adopting a dog that is four years or maybe a little older because they need someone to make a difference in their life as well. Your new friend is just […]


Winter Time Health Boost

It is the season to be sneezing! As cliche as it sounds it is very true, so thinking about your health is essential now more than ever. You want to have quality and longevity for yourself. There are so many ways to take preventative care, especially with the flu and covid viruses around.  Now, there […]


Expand Your Exercise Profile

Exercise is helpful for seniors to improve arthritis aches and pains. This can include walking, swimming, and cycling for outdoor activities. You don’t really have to focus on losing 15 to 20 pounds. So, what exercise is best for indoors and can help you build balance, flexibility, and strength rather than weight loss per se? As […]