Seniors and Daylights Savings Time

Daylight savings time can be a real struggle for seniors. That’s why it is essential to have preparation to ease into the change. Below you’ll find some tips that can help… Start by moving your bedtime a little each day. Say 15 minutes each day leading up to daylight savings can help your body gradually […]


Halloween Recipes and Activities for Seniors

Halloween is a time for fun! It isn’t just for kids anymore. There are many ways that seniors can enjoy this holiday from recipes to activities. Let’s take a look at some ideas… 1. Sweet potato jack-o-lanterns: Sweet potatoes and pumpkin mashed potatoes are just the right mix of healthy and tasty. Then, they can be […]

Comfort for Seniors

Comfort for seniors is important because in their later years, elders need that more than ever. Living by yourself can get quite lonely. So, having a soft, comforting, companion can occupy your mind from time to time. Joy For All can be an excellent gift for your grandma, grandpa, great aunt, great uncle, and more… […]

Osteoporosis in Seniors

Osteoporosis in seniors is very common, but it needs to be treated. It’s found more in women, but that doesn’t mean that men can’t be diagnosed with it as well. Osteoporosis is when your bones become thin, lose density, and become increasingly fragile. It is a process that develops gradually over many years, and it […]

Your Senior Loved Ones and Autumn Safety

Autumn has approached steadfast, and while it’s breathtakingly beautiful you do need to think about seniors. Autumn safety is important because it can affect seniors inside and outside their homes. Now, there are many ways to institute autumn safety… Rake the Leaves   Crimson autumn leaves are a true sight, but despite their beauty, fallen […]

National Cholesterol Awareness

Senior citizens can have elevated levels of cholesterol due to genetics, smoking, lack of exercise, and a poor diet. However, change can be made to reduce their levels. Simply try making the following changes to see the best results: Quit smoking: Higher cholesterol is one of the many negative effects of smoking. Nobody is ever […]

Depression as a Senior

When an older individual has untreated depression, they might lose interest in activities that they previously held interest in, retreat from social interaction, and physical activities. Thus, eventually leading to loss of function. While depression and sadness might seem to go hand and hand, some depressed seniors claim not to feel sad. Instead, they complain […]

Weekend Activities with Family

Let’s discuss a calm, happy, and leisurely topic such as weekend plans with your family. Including grandparents can make a family outing (or an at home activity) all the better! There are so many things that seniors can still do for enjoyment with their children and grandchildren. Here are a few suggestions to try… ~Family […]

National Stroke Awareness

Stroke awareness is essential for everyone, especially seniors. There are ways to focus on prevention care. There are five categories you can improve upon to go down the road of a healthy lifestyle. Options to advance upon include… Healthy diet: Eating high fiber and low sodium foods such as berries, melons, green leafy vegetables, brown […]

Summer Safety Tips for Seniors

Summer is officially here! While it’s great for activities such as the beach and camping, it’s not always the best to maintain optimal health. Now, there are certain summer safety tips that seniors can take to stay perfectly healthy. Just think about the following… Avoiding Dehydration: It is important to stay hydrated, especially while outside […]