Avoiding Falling

Avoiding falling may seem nerve-wracking, but with the right plan for your health, it can be doable. (We have a few other blog posts on fall safety as well, just click here, here, and here to read.) There are many avenues to consider such as exercise, medications, footwear, sleep, and much more… Here’s an overview […]

Emotional Support

Emotional support can come from family, friends and support groups, but do not forget about animals, especially dogs. There are specific breeds that are fantastic for seniors to adopt such as Bichon Frise, Miniature Schnauzers, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Corgis, and Greyhounds. First, the Bichon Frise is a small dog, averaging 7 to 12 pounds. […]

Veterans with PTSD and Summertime

Let’s touch base on veterans mental health issues such as PTSD, which if you don’t know stands for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. This can be a reason why summertime is not the best time due to celebratory events that contain fireworks. The loud m, intense noises can actually bring back flashbacks from war zones. So […]

Senior and Caregiver’s Emotional Health

There are many individuals caring for family members who live with emotional health and mental health conditions. Caregivers may face unique challenges that make caregiving more difficult and stressful than the average experience. If caregivers don’t receive the proper support that they require, then care can fail short for seniors as well. This becomes a […]

Summer Reminders

We’re still dealing with this intense heat, so why not have summer reminders. It’s the perfect time to review practices of safety and activities for seniors. Avoiding Dehydration: It’s important to stay hydrated, especially while outside. Most people don’t drink enough water in general. Try to drink at least eight glasses a day, particularly if […]

Vegetarian Eating for Seniors

Eating healthy in your golden years is just as important. You might even want to change your lifestyle a bit and try vegetarian. There are many benefits to not eating meats. Now, some individuals might be concerned about getting the proper nutrients, but there are many ways to accomplish this such as…  Including protein in […]

Making Medication Simple for Senior’s

We’ve been out of the loop for a while now, but we’re ready to educate you once again! Let’s start by discussing medication safety for seniors. Now, there are a few quite a few at home ways to have the best management, and tose tips include… Make sure medication is properly stored: In general, medication should […]

February is Heart Awareness

February is all about heart awareness month. It’s especially important to keep this in mind for seniors. Cardiovascular health can be risky when not tended to properly. As seniors age, there are certain risk factors that can set off red flags like elevated blood pressure. It might be beneficial to have an at home machine, […]

adopt a grandparent

Adopt a Grandparent

Adopt a grandparent is a fantastic way to help a senior citizen not feel lonely. Whether it’s done in person or virtually, it can really help bring a smile to their faces. Seniors can be seen as a vulnerable group within our society that at times, is taken for granted. This might lead to solitude, […]

January Awareness for Senior Caregivers

January awareness is all about Glaucoma Awareness Month, along with Blood Donor Awareness Month. It is an important time to spread the word about this sight stealing disease. Now, here are some ways you can help to raise awareness: Talk to friends and family about glaucoma. If you have glaucoma, don’t keep it a secret. Let your […]