Cross Country Travel

It can be a wonderful feeling to leave the typical working structure of 9 to 5, and spend more time traveling with friends and family. With the proper planning, you can save money by taking advantage of senior discounts and credit card rewards. So, if you are considering cross country travel, then you’re not alone […]

Felines for Seniors Make Fantastic Friends

We’ve already talked about how canines are superb companions for seniors, especially those that are extroverts. However, let’s not discount felines for seniors. They can be a senior’s best friend, especially if you’re an indoor type of person. Cats can be very calming and can bring great joy and laughter to seniors. Cats provide a host […]

Home Decor for Your Bathroom

Redecorating rooms isn’t just for eye appeasement, but for functionality as well. Think about how much easier you can make your bathroom. You can make it so that it’s less painful to use. Here’s how you can go about accomplishing this task… 1 Install lever faucets: Having a lever faucet gets rid of the twisting […]

Recreational Living

Recreational activities for senior living can be very healthy for the mind and morale. Making people feel youthful and full of energy! There are many activities that a recreational director or family members can create to help with the entertainment piece. Now, you can try the following… Crafts: Crafting can be simplistic or complex. Make […]


Outdoor Entertainment

Outdoor entertainment for seniors can be beneficial for their bodies and lift their spirits! It can help arthritis and anxiety. So, let’s take a look at these great sports… Golf: Golf is a low-intensity sport that keeps everyone busy. Golf of all types can be an excellent social activity while also giving you exposure to […]

Springtime gardening

Springtime Gardening Then Cooking

Springtime gardening can be really fun, but a challenge at the same time, especially when you have arthritis and flexibility to consider. However, there are many ways to make this experience much more comfortable. Let’s discuss the different options you could purchase… Handled Tools: Garden tools often come in two forms, hand-held or long-handled. The […]


Caring for Emotional Health

The emotional health of seniors is essential for caregivers, families, and friends. That’s why you need to be aware of these particular emotional issues that could be possibly faced sooner or later… You need to keep these potential situations in mind… Trying To Manage A New Health Condition: A new health diagnosis can wreak havoc […]

Robotic companions

Furry or Robotic Companions

Having a furry baby when you are an empty nester is great! They can bring a lot of joy to your life. However, having a feline or a canine may not be the best idea if you plan to take multiple vacations a year, or are lacking the energy to properly exercise and tend to […]


Senior Season Fashion

It’s shopping time for women of all ages! With the season of spring just around the corner, you might be focusing on certain colors such as pastels (pink, yellow, green, baby blue, etc.) It is completely natural to gravitate towards items of clothing that contain colors you love! However, just purchasing based on colors might […]


Learning Tech in Later Years

Technology is so important, especially in today’s day and age. However, seniors citizens may need some education in this area. Perhaps to begin, your grandchildren can give a couple of basic lessons, but you might want to go another step further to learn more specific tech details… Maybe you’ll want to consider taking a self-paced […]