Weekend Activities with Family

Let’s discuss a calm, happy, and leisurely topic such as weekend plans with your family. Including grandparents can make a family outing (or an at home activity) all the better! There are so many things that seniors can still do for enjoyment with their children and grandchildren. Here are a few suggestions to try… ~Family […]

National Stroke Awareness

Stroke awareness is essential for everyone, especially seniors. There are ways to focus on prevention care. There are five categories you can improve upon to go down the road of a healthy lifestyle. Options to advance upon include… Healthy diet: Eating high fiber and low sodium foods such as berries, melons, green leafy vegetables, brown […]

Summer Safety Tips for Seniors

Summer is officially here! While it’s great for activities such as the beach and camping, it’s not always the best to maintain optimal health. Now, there are certain summer safety tips that seniors can take to stay perfectly healthy. Just think about the following… Avoiding Dehydration: It is important to stay hydrated, especially while outside […]

Summer Cooking for Seniors

We are smack in the middle of summer and it’s extremely hot! Most people won’t want to turn on the oven, but there are so many foods that are easy to make. Plus, it’s important to stay hydrated and you can accomplish this with more than just beverages. So, that’s exactly why we’re going to […]

Summer Activities for Seniors

Summer activities for seniors can be a bit different from other people’s summer time fun. However, it can still be quite an enjoyable season! Here are some recommendations that you can try for yourself or with loved ones… 1. Water Based Activities: Swimming and water aerobics can help you beat the heat while staying fit. […]

Yoga for Seniors

For seniors that are looking for a safe way to enhance their physical health stretching, breathing, and meditation practices of yoga can be an excellent solution. It’s a mind and body activity.  Doing yoga regularly can result in many benefits such as greater flexibility, improved balance, lower stress, and better sleep. Now, let’s take at each […]

Alzheimer’s Awareness in June

Health is important to focus on and keep balanced. For those that are unfamiliar, June is Alzheimer’s & Brain Awareness Month! It’s the best time to discuss this major health issue that many seniors face. If someone you care about has this illness you can wear purple to help spread awareness. This is the time […]

Living with Family

Do you want to live with family in your senior years? There is certainly a lot more interest in this type of arrangement now than there was even a decade ago. Family living typically can include three generations within a single house. Of course, delicate care decisions like this aren’t only made based on financial […]

Traveling Abroad as a Senior

Retirement equals travel time! There are many benefits of traveling abroad later in life, including getting out of the house, getting exercise, and meeting new people. There are a few details that you need to keep in mind while traveling abroad such as… 1 Insurance: It’s important to purchase travel insurance to cover any trip […]

Job Consulting

The vast majority of senior professionals don’t want to retire. They have interesting, fulfilling work that they’d like to continue and just not at the energetic pace of top corporate jobs. That’s why so many are intrigued by the idea of  consulting when they retire from their official career. Over the years, you’ve probably become an […]