Education Health Senior Citizens

Avoiding Falling

Avoiding falling may seem nerve-wracking, but with the right plan for your health, it can be doable. (We have a few other blog posts on fall safety as well, just click here, here, and here to read.)

There are many avenues to consider such as exercise, medications, footwear, sleep, and much more… Here’s an overview to discuss with your physician…

Exercise: Regular exercise improves muscles and makes you stronger. Exercise also helps keep your joints, tendons, and ligaments flexible. Mild weight-bearing activities, such as walking or climbing stairs, may slow bone loss from osteoporosis, a disease that makes bones weak and more likely to break. Try balance and strength training exercises too like yoga, pilates, and tai chi. All can improve balance and muscle strength. You can also try lifting weights or using resistance bands to build strength.

Sight and hearing tests: When you get new eyeglasses or contact lenses, take time to get used to them. Wear your glasses or contacts as your eye doctor advises. If you have a hearing aid, be sure it fits well and wear it.

Medication side effects: If a drug makes you sleepy or dizzy, tell your doctor or pharmacist.

Sleep: Get 7-9 hours a night. If you are tired, you are more likely to fall.

Avoid or limit alcohol: Too much alcohol can lead to balance problems and falls, which can result in fractures.

Stand up slowly: Getting up too quickly can cause your blood pressure to drop. That can make you feel wobbly. Get your blood pressure checked when lying and standing.

Walking on wet or icy surfaces: These can be very slippery! Use an ice melt product or sand to clear icy areas by your doors and walkways.

Keep your hands free: Use a shoulder bag, fanny pack, or backpack to leave your hands free to hold on to railings.

Choose the right footwear: To fully support your feet, wear nonskid, rubber-soled, low-heeled shoes. Don’t walk on stairs or floors in socks or in shoes and slippers with smooth soles.

Now, on a final note, we’d like to take this opportunity to remind you about our Senior Trade Shows Expos! There you’ll see our theme for all our 2023 expos is Mardi Gras! Check out our flyer below to save the upcoming date on your calendar! Just click for more information, on registering to attend. In the meantime, we would appreciate you liking us on Facebook.

1 Comment

  1. Thank you for the great ideas. Having been the principal caregiver to my mother for nearly fifteen years, I learned a lot about adapting her home environment to address her changing needs.
    The pandemic highlighted that seniors wish to remain in their chosen homes. To that effect, I researched, compiled, and published a resource book with over two hundred ideas and suggestions to identify, eliminate, or minimize tripping hazards in and around a typical dwelling. It includes nine beneficial tools to facilitate adapting to the home environment.
    Copies of the book are available directly from my website.

    Should your organization be interested, I could come to a future event to present the ideas, suggestions, and tips described in the book.

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