Health Senior Citizens

Music Therapy for Seniors

Music therapy for seniors is very beneficial. It can aid in cognitive function, stress reduction, exercise routine, and social outings.

Let’s review all the positive attributes…

Improve Cognitive Skills

Music therapy can help seniors improve recalling memories. Music has been shown to elicit a positive reaction when you hear music that reminds you of your past. It can also elicit responses in seniors with dementia. Rhythmic music may stimulate certain parts of the brain, helping people to perform better on cognitive tests. 

Music Helps You Relieve Stress

While stress is a part of everyday life, some seniors experience a disproportionate amount of stress in their lives. Fortunately, music is an excellent reliever of stress, anxiety, and depression. It helps to manage stress by reducing levels of cortisol. Patients who suffer from dementia often find music to be very soothing, helping to reduce agitation and aggravation.    

Exercise With Music

With music often comes dancing, which can be an extremely valuable. Music and rhythms can inspire you to move, which can help promote coordination, plus helping to improve endurance, making it easier to continue staying active as you age. Even for those with limited mobility, music can inspire toe-tapping, clapping, and other movements.

Increased Social Activity

Another valuable aspect of music therapy is the fact that it can help to promote social interaction. As we age, it isn’t uncommon to experience feelings of loneliness, isolation, and depression; and this is particularly common amongst seniors who may spend a great deal of time home alone. 

When played in a group setting, music can foster interaction as group members sing along and talk about memories from their youth. This can also help build vital connections that will help people stay socially active, increase happiness and improve overall wellbeing.

Now, if you already have a love for music, we’d love to hear a positive story memory. However, if you happen to need some extra convincing, then please feel free to join our senior community to connect and communicate with others. That way, you’ll be able to participate in Music Monday. In the meantime, please like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram.