Health Senior Citizens Technology Travel

Cross Country Travel

It can be a wonderful feeling to leave the typical working structure of 9 to 5, and spend more time traveling with friends and family. With the proper planning, you can save money by taking advantage of senior discounts and credit card rewards. So, if you are considering cross country travel, then you’re not alone with desiring a road trip!

Then, you have to decide if you want to lodge or try driving a RV. Driving across the country can open up a wide window of stops to explore. However, you might want the luxury of a hotel with all the amenities including a pool, food service, and a wake up call. It really all depends on how you want to spend your money.

Next, item to consider for cross country travel is your health and wellness. Having a complete physical done before hitting the road is an excellent idea. Making sure that you’re heart, arthritis, and medications are all in order. That way, you are in optimal shape to go sight seeing!

Lastly, you’ll want to make sure that you cell phone is updated because you will need it as your destination guide. You might even want to consider upgrading before taking off, and downloading certain apps such as Google Maps and your favorite restaurants.

So, if you have any pictures from your travels that you would like to share with us we’d love to see them! However, if you happen to need advice on location options, then please like us on Facebook. That way, you can read our posts and join our senior community!