Health Senior Citizens

Winter Time Health Boost

It is the season to be sneezing! As cliche as it sounds it is very true, so thinking about your health is essential now more than ever. You want to have quality and longevity for yourself. There are so many ways to take preventative care, especially with the flu and covid viruses around. 

Now, there are many habits you can adopt to help maintain your health such as…

1 Maintain Your Nutrition: Eating fruits and vegetables will help keep your immune system strong. Having a nice balance and a variety of different colored foods will provide you with a multitude of vitamins and minerals. Plus, as an added bonus it will help your digestion.

2 Sleep Hygiene: Now, your sleep is important because insomnia can hit, and having interrupted sleep is not going to keep your immune system strong. Be sure to wind down from electronics and light in the evening. Maybe read a good book or listen to soothing, classical music.

3 Socialize: Spending quality time with your loved ones. It is always nice to hear their voices on a daily basis, especially now, with social distancing among us. The best part of our phones now is video chatting, so you can see facial expressions.

4 Stay Physically Active: Exercise can help to alleviate depression and arthritis symptoms, therefore improving energy levels. Something as simple as a short stroll can keep seniors healthier longer.

5 Mental Health: There are certain hobbies and activities that can ward off mental decline like crossword games, puzzles, reading, painting, and much more…

6 Relaxation: Take time to unwind from the stress of the week. Try meditating in the morning and ending the day with a lavendar scented bath.

With these tips in mind, you can keep yourself feeling younger for you and your loved ones. It’s best to practice these suggestions daily, so they become part of your daily routine. Now, if you need some inspiration or motivation to get you going we are here to help! For more visual ideas, please follow us on Instagram.